Monday, April 12, 2010

Hot or Not?

These Chillies are available in Supermarkets, this one is just listed as 'Yellow Chilli - Hot', but when Jan taste tested them, she though they were fairly mild (3/10), or maybe got a cool one.

So why are they listed as hot - Do you know them?

Taken on camera in Mobile phone.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Vittoria Eggplant (Aubergine)

I decided to save some seeds today, so I sacrificed a ripe eggplant and set to work.

Then about 30 'slow' minutes later, I ended up with these.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What's In The Hothouse

You wouldn't think we're heading into our Winter here if you saw what I have growing in my hothouse at the present time. There are over 130 Chilli plants, with about 32 varieties, plus 6 Tomato plants and they'll be joined soon by a couple of mature plants that will be potted and will 'over-winter' with the others. Some think I'm mad, but my strategy is simply to come out of Winter with mature plants, some of which will be sold, some given away to friends, some will be kept as stock plants. Well that's the plan anyway.

Here are some of the plants:-

Anaheim Chilli

Beaver Dam Chilli

A Volunteer than came up in a pot in the hothouse.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's about for seed you ask.

Here's a recent purchase, an un-named variety of a long Cayenne type from a Fruit & Veg Shop near where we ate lunch in Black Rock and I'm hoping to recoup my 20 cents with a lot of seeds.

Our friend wants us to rate these chillies, but they aren't going near my mouth. Extracting seeds from these is bad enough as the fumes coming from the seeds when wet make my throat burn.

These are 'Red Romanian'.

I seeded my long Cayenne chilli, so it would seem it was a worthwhile venture for the 20 cents it cost.

These will warm up the cockles of your heart, but don't touch your eyes after washing seed as they burn badly. I got these as 'Thai Silk', but it's a name I cannot find anything on.

On the sweet side - Turkish Cappia Peppers on the left and Corno di Toro on the right.