Saturday, May 22, 2021

Leaky Shed Roof

I got a solution to a problem while at Bunning's yesterday, well I hope I have. There has been a drip from a leaky screw in the roof of our shed and we've tried a few solutions to fix it, so now something that may fix it. From the inside of the shed I have sprayed the screws with an aerosol waterproofing sealant, so now to wait for it to rain again.

It would have been good to see the can have a tube attached like WD40 which would have made the application a lot easier.



Saturday, May 8, 2021

Strawberries - Planted

 A quick trip to Goodman's of Bairnsdale before their midday closing to grab a couple of bundles of Red Gauntlet Strawberry runners, then home to plant them. Probably overkill on what actually went into the ground, but 20X of each Red Gauntlet and Torrey, 5X pink fruited plants from Mary and 4X of the runners I planted from Jan's lot, which were probably Lowanna.

Here are a couple of photos, of the Red Gauntlet and the bed planted out.



Thursday, May 6, 2021

Confusion - New Strawberry Runners

We stopped by at Goodman's Nursery while in Bairnsdale today and couldn't decide on what variety of Strawberry Runners we'd get. I thought I had one bundle of Red Gauntlet and one of Torrey, but ended up with two Torrey when I got home, so we'll be planting at least half the new bed with them and half with whatever else I have in the garden here. If I need more, I'll get Red Gauntlet , but until I plant them I won't know.

Here's the two bundles of Torrey I ended up with.