Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Out Of Balance

 On Friday I bought a bench grinder to use in the shed for sharpening drills etc, but after bolting it down, it vibrated badly when I turned it on. The reason was that the stone on the right hand side was running out of balance, causing the unwarranted vibration.

I've taken the machine back to get it rectified, but I now have to wait a week until they can get in a new one, rather than take 5 minutes and swap the stone over. Such a shame as the one I bought will be scrapped rather than looked at.

Here's what the wheel looked like turning it slowly by hand.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Donated Bike

 With the shed tidy up in full swing, the future of Jan's bike was spoken about and she said to sell it, so rather than do that, I contacted the woman who is the new owner of the Backpackers Hostel here in town and offered it to her for the backpackers to use to get around on. The offer was taken up and we gave her two almost new helmets as well as a pump and tyre repair kit. a win/win for both, a bike for them and some room in the shed for us.

Goodbye to her Malvern Star Capri.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Shed Shelving

Saturday last week we went and had a look at some old library shelving someone in Maffra was selling, so we paid a deposit until we could come and collect it. Plans were we'd get it yesterday, but the seller forgot all about it and wasn't home all day, so arrangements were made to get it at 8.00 a.m. today (Sunday). By the time I loaded it and then unloaded it at home, I was beginning to think we'd bought more than we could handle, as there seemed hundreds of parts, nuts & bolts, in the end not that many.

I started assembling the singles (2) before the bigger job on the doubles (2) and even if I do say so myself, they didn't look bad once all together. Taking into account we stopped for 15 minutes to eat lunch, I walked out of the shed at 3.30 p.m., as good as finished. We spent some time moving things around to accommodate the new shelving, but I think the money we spent on it was worth it.

This last photo shows half of what we put together.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Alterations To New Trolley - Part Two

Did a couple of final mods to the trolley today while it was raining. I added a handle and a carrier for electrodes, which is enough at this stage.

It looks good though.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Alterations To New Trolley - Part One

 The new trolley I bought last week has been given a change, by adding a toolbox to the back section to where a gas bottle would normally go. The toolbox is on, now to put a 100mm pvc tube below it to hold electrodes, then a handle on the front.

The new Mig welder has been placed between small brackets to stop it sliding around on the elevated front on the top tray.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Leaky Roof - Update

 After 125mm of rain in a week, the leaky roof is leaky no more, with not one drop of rain getting into the shed through the roof. Spraying the screw above the tophat certainly worked for us, so a good recommendation here for this product.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

New Toys

 With Winter upon us here in Gippsland, I've decided to get a few new toys for my shed to play with when I get bored. First up was to replace my old 40kg AC arc welder with something more manageable, so from the Marketplace, a 140 amp arc to replace it. Then I needed a trolley to move it around, so I bought one, which has an empty shelf on top which will be filled with a 120amp Mig welder next time we get to Traralgon.

Then to make it a bit easier, I bought a 14"Drop Saw from a guy at Coongulla to add to things I need, plus a late inclusion is a 1/3rd horsepower Drill Press, so I have enough now to get started.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A look at our backyard

 I made this video to show my sick sister, who hasn't been to Maffra, where we live. This is an almost 360 degree view. Enjoy.