Friday, August 31, 2018

Seed Sowing #1

Tomato Season 2018/19 Kicks Off

I usually start my tomato seeds off on the 28th July each year, but after a month of frosts, I opted on waiting an extra month before I started. I have the hothouse in a usable state at the moment, so on the 31st August, I sowed two trays worth of mixed seed, a combination of Tomatoes and Capsicums/Chillies. Then on the 1st September, I sowed two more trays to fill up the 4 tray heat mat, so it didn't lose heat off the exposed half. 
Most of my seed is old, probably getting to the stage where a normal grower wouldn't use it, but I've given it two things it needed, dryness and darkness, so I'm giving it a go.

Tray #1 (all tomatoes). - Nicoleta, UK2000, McSee's Grape, Totem, M.S., Siletz, Greek Witness, Vodar and Korall. 

Tray #2 (Mixed) Thai Chilli*, Gindungo Cahumbo*, Bychok, Purple Ukraine, Sakharnyi Zheltyi, Mendacious Dog*, Rosado de Huelva, Rosado de Ademuz. 

One's with * are Chillies. 

After a bit of a Gap - My Blog is active again.

Finally, I'm back to posting on my blog again. The past few years have been hectic and between my home life and my job, life sort of got in the way.
A new beginning in a new home and I have some time now to be able to get back into gardening again, without any hassles of the past.

I look forward to posting about what's growing here, albeit a smaller garden than what we've had in the past. The hothouse is up and usable, the tomato and chilli/capsicum seeds are germinating on the heat Mat and after a cold Winter we are having some great sunny days here now.