Friday, November 29, 2019

Seeing As We're So Close

With it being in the lead up period to our tomato season, I thought I’d post some previously grown beauties. selected for taste. Amongst these varieties have been some really great tomatoes and some should be more readily available to the home gardener. There are a few Spanish varieties amongst these.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

In Need of Shade Here

I spent a few hours today digging some holes in my big garden bed to accommodate 6X posts, the main supports of a shade frame over the bed that can be covered in shade cloth when the weather turns hot again. I had a fair bit of damage from the hot wind last week, so I don't want it happening again.

There's just the posts in for now, the rest of the framework will happen in the coming days. I'm hoping to protect the 30 tomato plants in this garden bed when it's finished.

I will leave the shade cloth off the south side closest to the hothouse, as it will allow the Blue Banded Bees access to the plants, without the sun being a problem on that side.

Heat Damage - From 42C Day 21/11/19

I have about 5 tomato plants showing burn damage from the windy 42C day last Thursday. I've cut two plants back by 50% a few others with superficial burns may grow out of the damage to them.
Butter Beans and Green Beans burnt bad enough to pull out along with two lots of Peas, but I'll see if they come back enough to get a feed from.

Petals Ruby Lou potatoes are scarred from burning as well, but they should be OK as long as we don't get another hot one too soon.

We're looking forward to some forecast rain later tomorrow afternoon and into the weekend.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Planting Guide - Melbourne

This isn't going to suit everyone, but you'll need to check and see what will grow where you live.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Zucchini - Petals Jade Numbat X Gold Rush

Last season, Petal crossed two types of Zucchini we had growing in the garden here, one was the yellow skin "Gold Rush", the other was a striped green skin called Jade Numbat. At the time Jade Numbat was an F6 grow out, from a cross by Ray South aka Raymondo.

This season we are growing both Gold Rush and the "Petals Cross" and both have got off to a good start, growth wise. At least one characteristic of the Jade Numbat is noticeable on the cross, the grey leaf mottle.

Taste will probably improve with age, so what we've got so far can only get better.