Saturday, December 5, 2020

Garlic Update

 All the Garlic has dried enough to start dehydrating as flakes, so by the time this post goes up, there won't be a lot left. Here's what our season looks like as far as picked garlic globes goes.


                                                                                      Purple Stripe.


                                                                                      Tasmanian Purple


                                                                                       Wilde Pearl


                                                                                       Monaro Red


                                                                                       An 80mm diameter Garlic (Purple Stripe)

Zucchini Cross Photos

This is a bit long winded with photos of over mature Zucchini fruits being saved for seed, but I'm trying to work out which pattern fruit people like the most, well enough to make you grow it.
There are 9 fruits shown (1-9) and taking into account, they have darkened in colour because of their age, the patterning if they have it will make it easy, although there is also some ribbing on some of them.
Would you grow a plain yellow or one with stripes, assuming they all are all similar tasting, a patterned or ribbed and patterned. These Zucchini's are what Jan crossed last year, between a yellow fruited plant and a green fruited plant.