UK2000 are my biggest tomato plants, partly because we had two weeks of rain and overcast conditions which slowed them down, but with 3 weeks until planting, I'm sure they'll be just fine. I'm planning a staggered planting this season in the hope of getting more seeds to sow a later couple of varieties before I think it will be cut off time.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Friday, September 17, 2021
In The Hothouse
I took these photos so I'd remember what I had quantity wise of each variety when I decide to make a grow list. In this lot, they're mostly tomato seedlings, along with a couple of Moon & Stars Watermelon, some Candy Cane Capsicums from a glued flower, some Red Panama Passionfruit, and finally a stray zucchini left from our recent planting.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Today in The Garden
I'm slipping, by not keeping up with what's happening in the garden, so here's a look at what it's like as of today. The Zucchini's are in and mulched, the Strawberries are also mulched and some Parsnips have been pulled, although a few were very immature. Plus the Royal Gala Apple tree is bursting with leaf and blossom.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Zucchini Cross Planted Today
Today is Zucchini planting day, where our zucchini cross moves on from its current F2 status. These are Gold Rush X Jade Numbat and hopefully will give us some nice zucchini's again this season.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
A Mixed Lot
Here are a few photos of what's growing here, both in the garden and hothouse. The first photo is a raised garden bed 3.6m x 1.5m with a row of Parsnips and two rows of Greenfeast Peas.
Next are some photos in the hothouse, with potted seedlings starting to kick along nicely.
Here the last of the tomato seedlings are emerging, with these a type I called Macalister, an orange tomato I crossed in 2019 and I'll try again this year with F2 seedlings.

Macalister Tomato Seedlings
Last but not least are these Peas we picked from the garden. These are Greenfeast peas and if they make it inside they are nice cooked, although someone eats them raw without any side effects.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Feeding Strawberries
I had a Spring reminder set to fertilise my Strawberries which are waking up after Winter, most noticeable are the Torrey variety I got at Goodman's Seeds moths ago. With no access to Bunning's at the moment, I ended up using the liquid Dynamic Lifter Fertiliser, which is high in Nitrogen, which is what's needed.
My Contribution
About 20 years ago I came upon a Correa growing in a Maffra garden that really took my eye, being a Correa grower for many years. I asked the owner about the plant and was told it was a plant found by the late Bill Cane, Nurseryman from Maffra, so asked if I could get cuttings from it. Since that time, the original plant had died, so I had the only one of these plants known to exist. Since moving to Maffra 4 years ago, I now have this plant growing in my garden and it is doing well.
Now, the Sale Botanic Gardens is planting a new garden bed in honour of Bill Cane and they'll be planting known plants of Bill Cane. Mitch from Woolenook Nursery in Maffra contacted me about 6 or 7 weeks ago asking for cuttings to grow plants for this garden in Sale.
To say I'm happy would be an understatement