Sunday, October 31, 2021

Keeping Out The Wind

No damage here from the wind last week that caused havoc across the State. A few years ago I built a frame on my 7mx2.4m garden bed I use for tomatoes and I can quickly put up a wind barrier as in the photo, or I can cover it in shade cloth, roof and walls if it gets hot.


Growing in Pipes

Went to Cranbourne Saturday to collect some pipe offcuts that Jan's sister has been looking after for us. These were originally from a garden plant display at the Melbourne Garden Show about 10 years ago that Oasis Nursery (Floriana) had on their stand. We have five, but I think I sold five a few years after we got them. They make ideal planters for single vegetables etc.


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Peas are Dry

 The two lots of peas seem to be dry, but we're storing them in netting bags, just to be sure.

1. Oregon Giant Snow Peas

2. Greenfeast Peas.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Peas - Drying

 The Peas are all podded and drying nicely, so we should have plenty for a Winter crop.

This is what we ended up getting.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Digging holes

 Open the video to Full Screen for a better look.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Our Garden

Our garden beds as of today.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Setting Out The Garden Bed

 Tomato growing time is here, so I set out where my tomatoes will be planted, enough room for 27 plants although some have just germinated. 

Peas off the Bush

 Jan took the pods off the bushes for both lots of peas, so they are drying well and we'll pod them soon.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

New Seeds

 A friend of mine sent me some late seeds, so what do you do when you only get 5 seeds for a variety, you plant 2 seeds, which I did. I sowed them on the Friday and they were up on the Monday and I pricked them out Wednesday. So from the other seeds, so far I have nothing else come up, which isn't a worry as I am mainly growing these tomatoes for seed for next year.

Forgetting to Post

I've been a bit slack with posting, so hopefully I can add a few posts to catch up.

Most recently, we've pulled out the peas we left for seed, so on the airing rack we have both Greenfeast Peas and Oregon Giant Snow Peas, so hopefully by the weekend they should be starting to dry out so we can pod them and get rid of the waste. The peas inside the Snow Peas are quite large, so it looks like we may have done the right thing with them.