Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's happening?

Well not a lot happening in the garden at the moment, but I did move the volunteer tomato plant from the zucchini tub. Over the past few days we've been out and about, yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Australian Garden here at the local Botanic Gardens and today in Marysville. A friend of ours had a Tomato Plants/Annuals/Rare Vegetables seedling sale and we went to see how he was going. We arrived at a busy time and helped out for a while,with sales and advice.

I have managed to bag quite a few of my tomato plants in the garden and hothouse, so I should hopefully get enough seed to carry me over for a year or two, as next year I will grow some different varieties.

I've decided to try selling some Goji Berry plants at a Market in a few weeks, so hopefully I can cut down on the quantity I'll carry through Summer, as the more that sell the easier the job of watering them will be.

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