Another year and another Tomato Season has begun, hopefully it will be a good year, but tomato plants can be finicky and you always seem to take what you get. I started off earlier this year due to work commitments, my first variety down was UK2000 as I wanted these as my main crop variety, and they never let me down.
I sowed my tomato seed on the 18 July 2012, 10 days earlier than my normal start date, but I doubt a few days will matter all that much.
My final list for the season will be :-
Orlinyi Klyuv
Shkharnyi Zhelty
Striped German
UK 2000 which are already up, plus waiting on seeds for one other variety.
About the time I was ready to prick out, I received a seed swap from a grower on Tomatoville, offering Herring Strain and Cen-Tex, family favourites that had been grown in his family for a number of years. I sowed a few seeds of each and will grow them for seed this time around.