Sunday, October 7, 2018

Watching Them Grow

Today's Update.

With a few seedlings still in the seed trays, all else is looking good, with the majority of those varieties potted up actually putting on some size. Amazing, after the seed trays were empty, I got a Tappy's Heritage pop up and is doing well.

The only plant that is failing is a single Nicoleta which is blind so the earlier few blind plants are all I've lost this year, which mush be a record, with Damping Off being my biggest enemy in past years.

To show what's doing OK, I'll post these photos showing different sizes I'm up against, with poor germination and starting late, something I hope to rectify in the future.

 Russo Sicilian, Banana Currant, Tappy's Heritage
 Truffaut Precoce, Toedbusch Pink, Monomakh's Hat
 Donskoi, Vodar, Bychok
MS, UK2000, Sakharnyi Zhelty