We finished the new garden bed today after the horse lady bought us 8 bags of horse manure. Once the horse manure was down, I added about 10lt of Dynamic Lifter over the horse manure. I took the top 10cm of soil off my big garden bed which had overfilled in the last couple of years, so all the soil on top of this bed has been manured with cow manure and contains a lot of sugarcane mulch we had for the tomato crop, which hadn't all decomposed.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
The New Strawberry Garden Bed - Completed
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
What's Growing in The Garden
A look at what's growing in the garden at the moment. Garlic, Peas starting to emerge, Silverbeet with peas in the background, plus some Strawberry runners on umbilicals doing good.
The Garlic is doing OK while the bed with two rows of peas are emerging and looking good. The Silverbeet is almost big enough to start harvesting.
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Strawberry Bed - Progress
A couple of photos from what will be a strawberry bed. The first photo show digging into the native clay loam soil to improve drainage at a later date, while the second photo shows what you can find digging in our yard. (remnants from a previous wreckers yard)
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
New Strawberry Raised Bed - Under Construction
We like our Strawberries here when in season, so why not increase our capacity to grow them and make a new raised garden bed, purposely for them, so I put the plan in motion today. I had enough room in front of the hothouse to fit a bed 1.8m wide X 2.2m long, so a trip to Bunnings and I was on my way.
No need to concrete it to the ground, so by the time dinner was ready, I was almost finished, with just a few brackets to square the frame and then think about filling it with soil.
Here's what it looks like, 400mm or two sleepers high.
Peas & Parsnip Seed Sown
This week I've planted two rows X 3.6m long of Greenfeast Green Peas, plus a row X 3.6m of Hollow Crown Parsnips. Rather than have a garden bed empty over Winter, we may as well be growing something edible.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Our Best Openings Yet - Saffron Crocus
In the photo below are some of the 11 Saffron Crocus flowers that will open today, our best ever openings and something we didn't expect to see.
This will make 27 flowers to date.