We finished the new garden bed today after the horse lady bought us 8 bags of horse manure. Once the horse manure was down, I added about 10lt of Dynamic Lifter over the horse manure. I took the top 10cm of soil off my big garden bed which had overfilled in the last couple of years, so all the soil on top of this bed has been manured with cow manure and contains a lot of sugarcane mulch we had for the tomato crop, which hadn't all decomposed.
Jan moved one of her worm towers and the worms in close proximity and set it up in this bed, in the hope they will travel through the layer of horse manure and populate this bed.
Like sprinkles on a birthday cake, a final sprinkle of Horticulture Charcoal which will get turned in at some point.
Here are a couple of photos from today.

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