Saturday last week we went and had a look at some old library shelving someone in Maffra was selling, so we paid a deposit until we could come and collect it. Plans were we'd get it yesterday, but the seller forgot all about it and wasn't home all day, so arrangements were made to get it at 8.00 a.m. today (Sunday). By the time I loaded it and then unloaded it at home, I was beginning to think we'd bought more than we could handle, as there seemed hundreds of parts, nuts & bolts, in the end not that many.
I started assembling the singles (2) before the bigger job on the doubles (2) and even if I do say so myself, they didn't look bad once all together. Taking into account we stopped for 15 minutes to eat lunch, I walked out of the shed at 3.30 p.m., as good as finished. We spent some time moving things around to accommodate the new shelving, but I think the money we spent on it was worth it.

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