Sunday, July 11, 2021

Odd Jobs

 A couple of odd jobs completed this week are the new tops on my Saw Stools and a repair to the shed door. The saw stools were bought over 30 years ago from McEwans in Cranbourne when they were there and have been well used over the years. The 90 x 35mm pine tops were lucky to have got through the period of time I've had them, but were used when we built our house on the edge of Wonthaggi in the late 1980's and suffered a few saw cuts along the way, making them fragile.

Then the repair to the shed door, where a hook and eye catch had been riveted to the door to prop it open, but the wind had weakened the iron on the door so much it had cracked the iron. I welded a piece of steel on the inside and riveted a new eye to it, so it should last a fair while now.


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