Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Seedling Sale - Any Good?

Well, the morning of the Seedling Sale arrived with some fair weather considering what's on the radar, I started setting up about 6.45 a.m. then sat and waited for the rush. Over the next four hours we probably had about a dozen actual buyers, plus a few lookers.

I've done these sorts of sales in the past and the results have always been good, so I'll put today down to experience and tell myself not to do it again. Anyway, the end result is that I have still got plants left and will try and offload them to the Op Shops if I can't find a sale for them. The Op Shops like getting them, as I've done it a few times before, without a sale.

I've culled a few plants as I was packing up, so I didn't really empty the hothouse for very long. I can see a boot load going to the relatives after I get the next week over and done with.



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