Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New for 2008/9

I recently did a seed swap OS for a variety of a Pepper that's new to me which I'll hopefully grow in tubs here this coming season, plus I've had the promise of some seeds for an heirloom cucumber from the Nepal/Himalayas region. I may need to plant the Cucumbers elsewhere as I'll be pushing to find room for them to scramble over as they grow, especially the newest variety as they have huge fruit on them. Together with the Lebanese and Marketmore varieties I'm sure I know a good spot to plant them.

I've also been tempted to start some tomato seeds going anytime, but I'm not sure I want them ready too early as the first lot I grow will be the plants I have orders for and this year. I won't be growing more than have been 'spoken' for as I don't want to get caught with unsold plants. My own garden varieties this year will be started on the 28th July (my sisters birthday) and hopefully will be in the ground by the second week in October.

Last weekends frost has knocked my last Chilli bush about and its leaves are hanging limp from it at the moment. I salvaged two almost ripe pods from it and I'm wondering if it's a Poblano Red rather than a Habanero as I first thought - but why different shapes.

I've decided to scrap the frost effected plant and start afresh in October.

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