Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ready to Sow.

Well, I think I have sorted the seed for the 'other' varieties of tomatoes I'll be growing for 2008/9 and as it stands at present there are 28 varieties. There are two types I'm growing for guys from overseas (*) and five of the types just for myself 'only' (**), so that should make things easier. I'm having a grow out with the 'Little Heart' from last season and will grow about 4 plants to compare to and maybe a few of the 'Mongrel' seed labeled as Cuor di Bue, which threw all sorts of weird shaped fruit last season, including the hearts.

Here's my list .... so bring it on, I'm ready.

Black Cherry
Black from Tula
Black Krim
Black Russian
Casey's Stripey*
Cherokee Purple
Country Orange*
Cuor di Bue**
Greek Witness**
Grosse Lisse
Grub’s Mystery Green
Lime Green Salad
Little Heart**
Marianna's Peace
Noir di Crimme
Oregon Spring
Polar Star
Rainy's Maltese
Red Cloud
Rio Fuego Nana

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