We had 12mm of rain late yesterday afternoon/evening and the garden looks a treat this morning, so I'll post a few photos of what's growing both in the garden and hothouse. The tomatoes have actually started to kick on with some plants looking great with some extra foliage on them.
Starting off with the two Jade Numbat zucchini's I have in a big pot, today sporting a huge female flower, with signs of other flower activity on the plant.
Then looking at the big garden bed with tomatoes, plus a photo of my MS starting to fruit up.
The smaller garden bed with tomatoes are doing well too, Duncan's is still growing well, as well as a few others hitting their straps and putting on growth.
Not forgetting what's inside the hothouse, this photo only shows part of what's growing in there on the right hand side, not the tomato plants in pots on the floor. I have a pot of Diggers Speedwell cutting down as well, as these will be planted in our front garden when they get big enough.
I've removed a Capsicum plant that was a magnet to aphids, as the last thing I need in the hothouse are unwanted bugs. In its place I've planted a tomato seedling from my neighbour, which he calls a Capsicum Tomato, so I have no idea on what it is going to be.