Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Testing The Glue

I have flowers opening on one of my Capsicum plants in the hothouse, so what better day to try out my recommended PVA Glue on some capsicum flowers to test the toxicity. What may not be toxic to humans is a different story when it comes to plants.

Anyway, I'll watch and see what happens to the flower once the glue has been on for a while.

Why glue the flowers shut you may ask. Well the answer is that like tomatoes, Capsicums and Chillies are self fertile and don't need an outside source to pollinate. What the glue on the flower does, is to stop cross pollination from occurring from a nearby plant of the same species and as the pollinated embryo emerges from the flower, splitting the glue it's past the stage where pollen from another source can change it.. The Capsicum family is renowned for cross pollinating, with the wind, or bees being the usual cause.