Sunday, December 1, 2019

Growing Goji Berry Seedlings - Rehashed

Ever thought you’d like to try growing a Goji Berry plant in your garden from seed, well it isn’t all that hard. The hardest part is to get seed to use, but a visit to your Supermarket or Health Food Store may help here. Buying dried Goji Berries this way will ensure you get plenty of seed, just buy them and soak them in warm water until they reconstitute. Then it’s just a matter of extracting the seeds and drying them, before sowing.

Sown in shallow soil/seed trays, it won’t take long for your plants to grow and you can prick out seedlings and grow in pots to start with. A word of advice here is to cover seedlings in bird netting, as Sparrows have a liking for the young foliage and will strip them bare.

Goji Berry plants are easy to grow and the rewards can be quite good after a couple of years.

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