Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sweet Ozark Orange

I found an info page on Sweet Ozark Orange Tomato on Dave’s Garden Website, which I’ve attached to this post, so you can have a look at this beauty and it’s breeding.

The Breeder wrote:-
I intentionally crossed German Red Strawberry with Dr. Wyche’s Yellow in 2009. The resulting F1 generation hybrids in 2010 were large red semi-heart tomatoes with only fair flavor. This large orange beefsteak strain with excellent flavor appeared in only one plant among many wild variations the following generation, in 2011. I have grown this new open-pollinated variety for three seasons now, and I believe it is stable. The tomatoes are large, sweet, bright orange when ripe, and meaty. The plants have thick regular-leaf foliage and are very productive. I believe this is a much-improved descendant of Dr. Wyche’s Yellow, benefiting from the addition of German Red Strawberry genes which show up in the characteristics of excellent flavor and meatiness with little pulp.

Click on the link below.

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