Saturday, June 13, 2020

Leaf Types

It's always nice to watch your tomato seedlings grow, especially when they grow their first true leaf. It's at this time when you can pick out if the plant is going to grow the foliage type of its variety. There are two main leaf types in tomatoes, a Regular Leaf like we all know and a Potato Leaf, which actually looks more potato like than tomato like.

Sometimes varieties will throw what's called a sport, where it reverts back to a variety from its breeding past, sometimes Potato Leaf varieties are used in the cross and it's unstable genetics will be shown here. Not always will this happen, but be aware that it does occur at times and if you see it, you'll know in plenty of time to keep any odd plants, as they may throw different fruit shapes and colours too.

Here's a tomato seedling forming its first true leaf, between the seed leaf or Cotyledon as they are called. Notice the little  tooth on the new leaves, this is how a regular leaf starts and I'll post a Potato leaf when I get one.

Regular Leaf Tomato
Potato Leaf Tomato

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