Monday, June 15, 2020

Three Weeks and Two Days Since Sowing

Three weeks and two days out from sowing the tomato seeds, this is where they are at this stage. We've just came off a week of frosty nights/mornings where the temperature has dipped to freezing and close to it. The seedlings are growing in my hothouse on a heatmat and were covered at night with a sheet and plastic bulb crates.

First variety to germinate was the new cross, Macalister as I am calling it for now, but several other varieties are forming their first true leaves, while a lot are still just cotyledons. The variety Korichnevyy Rebristyy is a black variety, my first year growing them, while Negrillo di Almoguera is also a black, it's a fantastic tomato and well worth growing.

Here's a few photos from this morning.

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