Thursday, July 23, 2020

A breakdown on what I'm growing in 2020/21

Here's a breakdown on what is growing in the hothouse as of today.

1. Rosado de Huelva - 2
Spanish by origin, Huelva is the town/district that this tomato would normally grow. A mid size tomato with a great flavour. Use in cooking or sandwiches.

2. Rosado de Ademuz - 6
As per above, this one is Spanish, from the town/district of Ademuz. The difference with this tomato is the size and shape. It looks like a miniature tomato, great in salads etc. Very tasty.

3. Valenciano Clemente - 3
When I first got this one, it was labeled as "Rare"so I never grew it until some years later. It is a red fruited Spanish Heart shaped tomato, suited more to cooking, but very fleshy otherwise.

4. Negrillo di Almoguera - 4
This one is very nice, one we keep going back to, great flavour and texture. The Spanish name gives this one away, Negrillo meaning black. Well worth having in the garden for an alrounder tomato.

5. Roma - 5
I'm growing these for a friend and won't be keeping any.

6. Kodiak Brown - 1
I only managed the one plant this year, a very tasty golf ball sized fruit which is technically a brown coloured fruit. Great tomato to use in any meal.

7. Amurskiy Tigr - 2
Described as a ping pong size red cherry tomato, often with yellow stripes giving it the Tiger name. Untried here but looks and sounds nice.

8. Korichnevyy Rebristyy - 3
Another of the black tomatoes, not as dark as you think. Mid size tomato with great taste. One to add to the grow list.

9.Striped Rumplestiltskin - 2
Not a tomato I've grown before. I found this one listed as a dwarf size plant, so not sure what it will give in the way of fruit colour/size.

10. UK2000 - 5
This is one we've grown for 30 years and shared them with 100's of growers over the years. A mid size red tomato,, great tomato with many uses.

11. Wandocka - 6
We've been greedy with this tomato and not shared it until this season. A potato leaf plant with large pink fruits. Great tasting tomato.

12. Macalister - 17
This is  a new one here this season and is the results of a cross I did over Summer. Using the pollen from an orange tomato onto a red fruited tomato from Romania.

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