Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Rainy Day Job

We're currently getting some light rain from an East Coast Low Pressure System, so a good opportunity for me to pot up my tomato plants that I intend to grow in in the garden. I bought a 50 litre bag of Osmocote Potting Mix yesterday, so I'll start getting them into 140mm pots at some point this week. I think from the bag I should get about 50 plants potted up, so money well spent on the mix.

Into the potting mix I'll add some Brunning's Tomato & Vegetable Food, which is similar to Blood & Bone with additives and the tomato plants love it. Don't look for this fertiliser at Bunning's as they only stock it during the tomato season, shame really

Here's the Potting Mix I'll use.

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