I thought I would remember all the varieties I'm growing this season, but without doing a stocktake now , I think I may have most of the varieties here. Now Kotlas is out of the running as it died, so I'll go with these until I find others I've missed. Some like Grubs Mystery Green & Black Krim I may pass until next year as there are lots of seed around for these.
Could this be my final list.
Could this be my final list.
Arkashin |
Banana Currant |
Black Krim |
Bychok |
Ceylon |
Chocolate Stripes |
Collioure Long Plum |
Cows Tit |
Crisana |
Donskoi |
Duncan's Dutch |
Giant Belgium |
Greek Witness |
Grub's Mystery Green |
Korall |
Kotlas |
Le Case di Apulia |
Lime Green Salad |
McSee's Grape |
Monomakh's Hat |
Morado |
Morning Rose |
MS |
Nicoleta |
Orlinyi Klyuv |
Poil Blanc |
Prairie Fire |
Purple Russian |
'Rare' |
Rosado de Ademuz |
Russo Sicilian |
Sakharnyi Zheltyi |
Siletz |
Speckled Roman |
Tappy's Heritage |
Toedebusch Pink |
Totem |
Truffaut Precoce |
UK2000 |
Village Red |
Vodar |
White Oz Cherry |