Sunday, September 16, 2018

Watering Your Tomato Plants Where They Need It.

When you look at a tomato plant growing in your garden, you may find roots close to the surface of the soil, but don't think for a minute they're going to be used solely for giving the plant a drink, as these are the feeder roots. These roots absorbs nutrients at soil level and actually feed the tomato plant from the soil, the actual roots that deliver moisture to the plant are much deeper. To be able to water your plant efficiently, the water needs to get to these roots and this is the best, quickest way to do it. Using 50mm slotted flexible aggie pipe, cut into 500mm lengths and before you plant your tomato, bury the tube into the hole so it protrudes about 50mm above the mulch if you use it.

Take a look what I've done here, then when you do it and it works for you, then you'll know the water is going where it's needed.

 Close up of the slots
 50mm Slotted Aggie Pipe
Cut to lengths - depending on plant types
The finished tube placed below tomato plant.