Saturday, September 8, 2018

'New for Old' - Refreshing Old Stock

With a noticeable decline in germination due to aging tomato seed, I grabbed out a few varieties that I'd like new seed of and got busy with another couple of trays. First I had to get some more seed raising mix, so off I head and the Hardware Store is closed, so rather than let it spoil things, I stop in at the local Native Nursery, knowing Mitch has what I want. After a chat I had enough mix to get two trays up and running, so while they were draining, I set up heat mat #2.

I sat and took my time, trying to sow at least 6 seeds of each if I had that many, some I planted lots as the plants will be well used. While I had the room on the heat mat, I also put down 6 seeds of Hibiscus insularis, from Norfolk Island as the frosts killed one plant and burnt half on another.

Anyway, I now have more seeds to keep an eye on, but don't expect much from them in the next fortnight. Names in Bold have germinated from this list.

Purple Russian
St Pierre
Aunt Gerties Gold
Morado  (last 6 original seed)
Orlinyi Klyuv (Pink Eagles Beak)
Teton de Venus
Poil Blanc
Banana Currant
Mexico Midget
Austins Red Pear
Black Crimea (Black Krim)
Caspian Pink
Tappy's Heritage
White Oz Cherry
Belgium Giant (late inclusion)
Korall (late inclusion)
Greek Witness  (late inclusion)

Sown on 11/09/18
Red Velvet F2
Golden Sunray

Tray #1
Tray #2
Two X 4 Tray Heat Mats