Thursday, September 20, 2018

Today's Progress

Today, my first job was to water all the seedlings, as they are sucking up the water well on these warm days here. The varieties left on the second heat mat are starting to poke their heads up, a couple I really need to save are Nicoleta and Crisana, both doing well and both given to me years ago from a Romanian family who bought them out here when they migrated to Australia. The Dutch variety I got and planted Saturday are showing through the mix, so all good.

The seedlings I gave a working name of Red Velvet, are up and I will grow a plant of this variety on with my 'new' growout, this being the second filial generation (F2). If all goes to plan, I should get plants with Potato Leaves in this generation and red heart shaped fruits after regular leaves and oblate fruit last time,  but they are at the stage where until they reach F6, they will be very unstable in what they do and how they grow.
By Friday, the seedlings will have had a dose of Seasol, which they'll take us as a tonic rather than as a fertiliser, then I'll decide if I need to feed them with some 'tomato food'.

 Heat mat #2 - doing well
Seedlings potted up so far.