Things are a bit slow, with lockdown and the boredom that goes with it, especially when you've caught up with garden jobs.
OK, so we're going to use some Baking Soda in the garden, you may ask where we can use it, but it is universal if you want to try it. Now remember, Baking Soda is not the same as Baking Powder, just so we are on the same track.
1. After a spell in the garden, wash your hands using Baking Soda rather than soap.
2. As a fungicide, mix equal parts of Baking Soda and Flour and dust your Brassicas for caterpillars, the Cabbage White Butterfly is active at the moment, so put this to good use.
3. Sprinkle some around your tomato plants when they're fruiting up, it will help make the fruit taste a little sweeter.
4. Where you have weeds come up in the expansion joints in concrete, dusted thick will kill the weeds.
5. Dust around on the garden soil to distract grubs, slugs and snails.
6. You can make a great Bug Spray using Baking Soda, here's what you'll need to make it. We're going to make one litre of mix, so start with one litre of water in your spray bottle, two teaspoons Baking Soda, one teaspoon of Neem Oil and ten drops of dish liquid, Shake well. Do a test spray and if leaf damage occurs, add more water. Shake well during use too.
7. If you dust it on your soil and it bubbles when wet with the hose, it indicates your soil is acidic.
OK, so we're going to use some Baking Soda in the garden, you may ask where we can use it, but it is universal if you want to try it. Now remember, Baking Soda is not the same as Baking Powder, just so we are on the same track.
1. After a spell in the garden, wash your hands using Baking Soda rather than soap.
2. As a fungicide, mix equal parts of Baking Soda and Flour and dust your Brassicas for caterpillars, the Cabbage White Butterfly is active at the moment, so put this to good use.
3. Sprinkle some around your tomato plants when they're fruiting up, it will help make the fruit taste a little sweeter.
4. Where you have weeds come up in the expansion joints in concrete, dusted thick will kill the weeds.
5. Dust around on the garden soil to distract grubs, slugs and snails.
6. You can make a great Bug Spray using Baking Soda, here's what you'll need to make it. We're going to make one litre of mix, so start with one litre of water in your spray bottle, two teaspoons Baking Soda, one teaspoon of Neem Oil and ten drops of dish liquid, Shake well. Do a test spray and if leaf damage occurs, add more water. Shake well during use too.
7. If you dust it on your soil and it bubbles when wet with the hose, it indicates your soil is acidic.