Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tomato Plants and Calcium Nitrate

Calcium Nitrate is one of the main ingredients of a hydroponic growers fertiliser recipe, but did you know it can also be used in the home garden, both as a diluted in water additive, or in it’s granular form. 

A lot of American tomato growers use Calcium Nitrate at an early stage,  usually around the time they stake the plants. I recently read on “Hilling” plants, as you would potatoes and they used a hand operated high arch wheel hoe, although I have seen it done behind a tractor to do several rows of tomatoes. The hand plough will do plants under 15 inches in height, with the Calcium Nitrate added beforehand in a dry form and covered under the hilling. 

For those growing at home and using the wheel hoe, extra soil is added around the base of the plant, covering the Calcium Nitrate.
Calcium helps strengthen cell walls and the nitrate nitrogen is the source preferred by fruits and vegetables, and is readily available to plants.

The idea is the same as deep planting and using the lower stem of the tomato to grow new roots, thus making for a stronger plant. I think a visit to my old work maybe in order next time I’m close so I can grab a bag if they have any left after recently stopping production.

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