Thursday, April 23, 2020

New Project Season 2020/21

Well, I’m fairly confident my cross tomato seed (Nicoleta X Sweet Ozark Orange) will be on the top of my mind as they grow this coming season. I will be doing a germination test soon to see if the seed is viable, then I’ll be growing a few as an extra early crop, so I have advanced plants ready at the end of October to go into the ground.

I must do some Roma  again this year for our friend who loves growing them for his tomato sauce.
No idea what changes will show up with this new variety as Potato Leaf was in the parentage of Sweet Ozark Orange. 

The new cross will give me three varieties I’m naming after local farming regions near us. Stratford Giant, Wandocka (photo below) and the new Nicoleta cross which I’ll give the name Riverslea, but time will tell.

Here are the seeds of the cross.

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