Sunday, April 12, 2020

Correa reflexa - Stockdale Form

On a bush track not too far away from here, Correa reflexa grows wild in the bush among the bracken and undergrowth. This Correa is usually spindly in its wild state, only growing a few branches, but competing as it grows. 

Petal and I were  there last year after a grader had cleaned up the tracks through the bush. On the side of this particular track, was a seedling Correa which had been uprooted, so I took it home and planted it near my magpie feeder. It eventually started to grow and over the year has formed into a nice compact shrub.

It’s currently flowering, with nice size red corollas, a typical Correa reflexa. I’m attaching some photos, as this is a nice form of this plant. You would be very lucky to find a plant with this many flowers on it in the wild.

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