Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Few Varieties Now

It's probably easier to post what seedlings have germinated, as, of today I have action on 9 of the 12 varieties I sowed. One variety, Kenai Mondo Green has failed to produce a single seedling in three years, so I know this seed is useless. This season I have single germination's on a few varieties as you will see in the list below.

Not every variety here are from my own saved seed, so I really have to take that into account too. Anyway, here's a list of what's up as of this morning, first thing.

Rosado de Huelva - 0
Rosado de Ademuz - 1
Valenciano Clemente - 3
Negrillo di Almoguera - 0
Roma - 5
Kenai Mondo Green- 0
Kodiak Brown - 1
Amurskiy - 1
Korichnevyy Rebristyy - 1
Striped Rumplestiltskin -1
UK2000 - 4
Wandocka - 12
Nicoleta X Sweet Ozark Orange - 15

The plan was to get a few varieties ready early, so I've done that, even if there are no more germination's. My main goal was to get advanced plants ready when planting time comes in October, especially with the new cross. The new cross, which I will name soon, along with Wandocka and UK2000 will be my main crop, with a single plant of the others that may grow. Just on the Roma's that are on the list, I will not be growing them in my garden, I have an old friend in town here who loves his Roma's, so much I even purchased a packet of fresh seed for him last year. It will be a nice gift to give him some advanced plants when he wants them.

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