Sunday, May 17, 2020

Seed Swap - Clearing Out The Seed Tin

I did a big seed swap today with a follower on Instagram, which saw a large amount (17 varieties) of season 2019/20 tomato seeds packaged up ready to send. Also included is seed for Jade Numbat Zucchini, Canteen Gourd and New Guinea Beans. In return I'm getting some Glass Gem Corn seeds, which we want to grow this Spring, so the tomato seeds are surplus to what I want.

I've been meaning to offer these seeds in a seed swap myself, but since closing down the Forum I had, there was no outlet. Then out of the blue I joined in a seed swap on Instagram and will come out with 30 grams of Glass Gem Corn Jan wants to grow from October when the garden gets planted out.

Here's the package ready to go into the envelope tonight.


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