Saturday, May 9, 2020

Spanish Tomato Growout 2020/21

It's hoped that for the Tomato growing season of 2020/21, that a growout of Spanish tomato varieties can be grown out by a few grower friends. Back in either 2009 or 2010, I along with a woman on my then Garden Forum, received some tomato seeds from Spain. Over the years I have grown some of them, so I think they are worth growing again to make seed available as there are some very tasty varieties among them.

The varieties I'm hoping that will become available are:-

Muchomiel Battle
Rosado de Huelva
Rosado de Ademuz
Valenciano Clemente
Murciano Amarillo
Negrillo di Almoguera
Miel du Mexique

The names vary with translation, but this is how they were written on the seed envelopes so the names will stick for the time being. The tomato Rosado de Ademuz is a lovely eating tomato, probably smaller than what you'd normally grow, but they are prolific. Valenciano Clemente are a heart shaped tomato, red in colour and great if you want to make sauce, as they didn't have lots of seed. Negrillo di Almoguera is a black/red fruit which like most blacks are very tasty and make an excellent sandwich tomato. Murciano Amarillo is a yellow fruit which is quite sweet and is nice cut up in a salad. Miel du Mexique translates to Honey of Mexico, which is a sweet prolific cherry tomato which can become a large plant if left unchecked.

                                                       Rosado de Ademuz                                                      

Negrillo di Almoguera

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