There's an old saying, so Far, So Good, well that applies to the garden here so far, as most of what we're growing is doing fine at the moment. The only exception is that the Parsnips didn't germinate, a whole 4 packets, so we'll give up on them for now. In the big garden bed, the potatoes are looking quite leggy, but they can do their own thing as I'm not really worried about them and whether or not the give anything back, as I just used up some seed that Jan had left over when she dug her lot earlier in the season, Onion, red, brown and cream are finally starting to look good, while the garlic is doing fine next to them. Then the Topweight Carrots have been thinned and the peas and silverbeet are powering along, this lot of peas are flowering.
Topweight Carrots
In the next bed, a raised metal bed 1.5mx90cm are two dwarf Blueberry bushes and between them are the 35 Saffron Crocus corms we planted last year. The Saffron got off to a good start and we managed 26 flowers over the few weeks they flowered in, but the plants are quite full of multiple leaf stems.
Saffron Crocus Leaves
The raised bed with the Garlic in it is looking good, so happy after getting a non return crop last year. The final bed with vegies in it is the one with dwarf green peas and red onions in it, both doing good although the peas haven't started flowering yet.
Red Onions
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