OK, so I've taken the tops out of some of my tomato plants and you want to know if they're going to grow or not, so how do I know what to do. Firstly, I've been working with tomatoes for a long time, most of my knowledge is self taught, plus I did a year at TAFE getting a Certifate 3 in Production Horticulture and then 7 years growing semi commercial crops of tomatoes on a full time basis.
When you plan on manipulating your plants, the things you need to look at are - (a) Am I cutting where I need to (b) Are there leaf nodes or side shoots visible. Take a look at the photo below and you'll see the arrow where I've cut, plus the sideshoots (circled), so yes, I've cut in the right place. The plant shown in the photo will now grow both sideshoots and one will be selected to be a leader.
Tomatoes are forgiving plants and you can manipulate how they grow, if you take the time to look at the plant you're starting with. Always use a sterile knife when doing this, so you won't get infections in it in the future.
When you plan on manipulating your plants, the things you need to look at are - (a) Am I cutting where I need to (b) Are there leaf nodes or side shoots visible. Take a look at the photo below and you'll see the arrow where I've cut, plus the sideshoots (circled), so yes, I've cut in the right place. The plant shown in the photo will now grow both sideshoots and one will be selected to be a leader.
Tomatoes are forgiving plants and you can manipulate how they grow, if you take the time to look at the plant you're starting with. Always use a sterile knife when doing this, so you won't get infections in it in the future.