Thursday, November 8, 2018

Growing Tomato Sideshoots in Water

I was once told by our friend Lomatia, this is what originated in the Italian 'Old Country' many years ago, one of two ways you can do it. Growing the sideshoots of your tomato plants is a sure fire way to increase your tomato plants with genetically identical plants. One way is to propagate them using a damp potting mix as media, described below is the second way I've done them, although I have observed that it's not as strong as in soil/potting mix, but the cuttings still grew fine.

In the photo below, I've used Grafting Pegs to hold the sideshoot to a bamboo stake, so when suspended in water, it will stay where you want it. Taking your sideshoot from the parent plant is best achieved using a sharp knife and where possible, cut it so no longer than 15cm in length. Using a jar, cup, or glass, place the sideshoot into the water and leave it undisturbed for a week or ten days where it can get ample light, but be out of the sun, or until a healthy lot of roots appear, then pot it up into a pot of moist potting mix and allow plenty of sunlight.